Thursday, 11 December 2014

Lost and Found.

I know everyone is pretty fed up with GoPro videos (me included) so I apologise in advance but I just had to make this one. Scored a fantastic session in Lobos this week but my GoPro came off the mast mount after about 20 minutes and it was gone in the blink of an eye. I thought all was lost (for the 2nd time this year) but Lucy spotted a yacht moored off Lobos harbour so I sailed downwind and promptly borrowed some snorkelling kit, sailed back upwind to the main beach and left my kit there. I swam out to the reef, through the break and started searching and finally after about 45 minutes of being bashed about by the waves I saw it lying down there in 3m of water! What a bloody drama!Checking through the footage I had a little bit of windsurfing, but, more interestingly, the GoPro had chronicled its entire journey across the reef until I found it so I stuck it all together in this little video. I have since stuck a float on the back of the waterproof housing so would like to think that this will be the only 'lost and found' video I ever make...

The adventures of a GoPro in Lobos from Stephen Gibson on Vimeo.

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Welcome to the site!
Aswell as regular features and news updates from Fuerte, I am going to be using this site to promote my windsurfing clinics.
After 15 years on the island,having competed in the PWA freestyle world cup and now representing Fanatic Boards and North Sails, I have decided to give something back to the sport which has given me so much over the years.
My aim is to provide clinics "tailor-made"for each individual, with a strong emphasis on practical in-the-water instruction, backed up by on-the-beach tuition and video analysis. The consistent conditions here in Fuerte make learning so much easier and, perhaps equally important, more fun than the typically inconsistent, cold UK - why not come over for a week and improve your windsurfing by a year!!!

I can help with any manoeuvres from carve-gybe through to advanced jumping and freestyle, just email me with your wish list and we'll take it from there! Over the next few months, I am going to be video-chronicling manoeuvres which you can check out on the right in my tricktionary sections. This will give you some idea of the things we can work on, or, if you can't make it over here, you may find them useful to help understand and break down a manoeuvre you would like to learn (hopefully, the slow-mo will help in this respect!).Just click on the trick and scroll down..........
Anyway, keep checking it out as I have loads more in my bag of tricks and will be updating as and when I get the footage.
If you're interested, e-mail me on
See ya in Fuerte?