Well, here I am sat on my sofa with a lot of time on my hands. While SUPing on Friday I took a bit of a tumble (check the photo above) and wrenched my neck and shoulder. Not too bad, I could still just about paddle so I donned my cloak of invincibility the next morning and went back in at 7.30. Bad move. I think the combination of strained neck and shoulder muscles, chilly morning air and lack of warm-up (oops) combined and conspired against me and my back went big time while I was out the back. Brilliant. I managed to swim in and get back to the van, then get home and I've been bloody stuck here, almost completely immobile since then. I. Am. Bored. Anyway, it could be a good few days before I'm up and about again so I'll leave you these photos of 'the day before' to peruse in my virtual absence.
Also, check out this short clip from Punta last weekend. Typically, we didn't get any video on the better days but waited until it went onshore and messy. I videoed Lucy when there was no wind then she videoed me when it was rubbish- what a team! Anyway, from the 20 minutes of video, I managed to scrape together this short something or other. If you fancy a bit of that, but in the sunshine and boardshorts, have a look at this... http://puretourism.co.uk/blog/learn-pros-windsurfing-clinics-fuerteventura and you could be blasting back and forth with us next year. Imagine...
1 minute at Punta. from Stephen Gibson on Vimeo.